Laenupakkujad kontrollivad riski näiteks krediidireitingu kaudu. See on toiming, mille kohaselt jagatakse iga laen eri kategooriatesse maksete katkestamise tõenäosuse alusel (tõenäosus, et laenusaaja lõpetab laenu teenindamise). Kõigil iuvo laenudel on krediidireiting, mis vastab antud krediidikõlbliku laenupakkuja reitingusüsteemile. See on vajalik eri laenupakkujate laenude võrdlemiseks
- CScore class C
- DScore class D
- EScore class E
- HRScore class HR
Ettevõtte pakutav laenumaht alates asutamisest
Ettevõtte väljastatud laenude kogumaht ühisrahastusturul
Ingliskeelses äri- ja rahandusmaailmas kasutatakse terminit „skin in the game“ („oma nahk on turule viidud“) – see viitab omanikele või juhtidele, kelle omaosalus investeerimisfondides, kuhu välisinvestoreid oodatakse panustama, on väga suur. Taoline vaatenurk aitab tagada, et laenupakkuja ja investori huvid ühtivad – mõlemad on varasse/investeeringusse panustanud. IUVO platvormil tähendab see, et iga laenupakkuja on kohustatud endale jätma teatud osa väljastatud laenudest – oma nahk on turule viidud. Näiteks kui laenupakkuja väljastab 100 euro suuruse laenu ning tema omaosalus ja risk on 30%, saab turul investeerida üksnes 70 euro suurusesse osasse laenust. Laenupakkuja omaosalus on 30 eurot.
Aasta, mil ettevõte muutus kasumlikuks
The mission of iCredit Poland is to help clients in temporary financial difficulties by providing quick, responsible, cash loans and to become a company that customers first turn to when seeking solutions to their financial problems. The company is established in 2014 and is providing consumers loans with individual approach to each client and have more than 73 000 loyal customers. The secret of our growth is hidden in our main principles of work with customers and employees – morality, ethics, responsibility, transparency, and loyalty.
Ettevõte on osa Management Financial Group (MFG).
We believe the iuvo group platform is giving us the opportunity as a lending institution to meet with unlimited count of investors. A place where the investors are receiving pretty good earning returns of their investment, with extremely low risk, and we, as a consumer lending institution – the possibility to grow fast due to the funding we are receiving in return. The reason we have chosen exactly iuvo among many FinTech entities is that we observe the rapid growth of the company during the last years, and positive feedbacks we have received by investors and contractors.
We believe the FinTech companies like iuvo group - it is the key to the future in terms of funding of lending institutions on the Polish and European market in general.
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