Aastane intressimäär 8.5% - 9.5%
Vääring EUR
Peakontori asukohariik:
Riigid, kus ettevõte tegutseb:
Republic of North Macedonia
Laenu riskiklassid:

Laenupakkujad kontrollivad riski näiteks krediidireitingu kaudu. See on toiming, mille kohaselt jagatakse iga laen eri kategooriatesse maksete katkestamise tõenäosuse alusel (tõenäosus, et laenusaaja lõpetab laenu teenindamise). Kõigil iuvo laenudel on krediidireiting, mis vastab antud krediidikõlbliku laenupakkuja reitingusüsteemile. See on vajalik eri laenupakkujate laenude võrdlemiseks

  • AScore class A
Laenude tüübid:
Isiklik laen
Väljastatud laenude maht:

Ettevõtte pakutav laenumaht alates asutamisest

24.3 M EUR
iuvo platvormil registreeritud laenude maht:

Ettevõtte väljastatud laenude kogumaht ühisrahastusturul

0.120M EUR
Osamaksete tüüp:
1 month
Ettevõtte omaosalus ja -risk:

Ingliskeelses äri- ja rahandusmaailmas kasutatakse terminit „skin in the game“ („oma nahk on turule viidud“) – see viitab omanikele või juhtidele, kelle omaosalus investeerimisfondides, kuhu välisinvestoreid oodatakse panustama, on väga suur. Taoline vaatenurk aitab tagada, et laenupakkuja ja investori huvid ühtivad – mõlemad on varasse/investeeringusse panustanud. IUVO platvormil tähendab see, et iga laenupakkuja on kohustatud endale jätma teatud osa väljastatud laenudest – oma nahk on turule viidud. Näiteks kui laenupakkuja väljastab 100 euro suuruse laenu ning tema omaosalus ja risk on 30%, saab turul investeerida üksnes 70 euro suurusesse osasse laenust. Laenupakkuja omaosalus on 30 eurot.

2022 aasta puhaskasum:
0.626 M EUR
Töötajate arv:
Kasumi teenimine:

Aasta, mil ettevõte muutus kasumlikuks



SN Finance operates on the Macedonian market for over 6 years and it is a leader in the FinTech field in Republic of North Macedonia. The company has a wide variety of financial products in different segments of consumer and business lending. It provides access to its services online and in 14 physical branches in the country. Innovators with a strive for growth – SN Finance are one of the moving forces that change the shape of the nonbank financial sector in North Macedonia.

Nikola Joshevski CEO, SN Finance, Republic of North Macedonia

“This new era that we are living in requires different solutions for better cash flow planning for both private individuals and small and medium-sized companies. From the very beginning, the company I manage, Financial Company SN Finance, which is part of this market for five years, is guided by the idea that we need to work on improving the business environment. Therefore, the decision to cooperate with your company IUVO Group, which has valuable experience in the world of P2P lending that will help us in realizing our mission to encourage positive economic and social change in this environment. This is a partnership that marks the beginning of a new and exciting chapter for us as SN Finance, a company recognized on the Macedonian market as an important financial institution that provides financial support to its customers and allows them to increase their income and thus improve their standard of living. It is an honor to enter into this large family with you, a milestone that will lead us with a faster step on our path to further capital investment. On the other hand, our mission to provide financial support to those who in the past had little chance of doing so is significant. My personal commitment is always in relation to the promise to the clients to invest their money in a meaningful way. Moreover, this cooperation allows me to do that. I believe in strong and long-term partnerships and I am happy to be part of the inspiring and growing IUVO Group project. Our investment in IUVO Group clearly shows the vision we share in SN Finance, which at the same time fits perfectly with the philosophy of your company, because the model you offer is both sustainable and profitable.”

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