
What did iuvo achieve in 2024?

The end of a year and the beginning of the next one is a period of assessment, to look back at what we have achieved in the past 12 months, and it is also time to set new goals. 2024 was another year of record-breaking results in the history of iuvo, and a year, in which we achieved a long-planned project of ours. What did iuvo achieve in 2024?


2024 in numbers

Added funds by investors (cumulative since the founding of iuvo) – growth of nearly 33%;
Invested amount (cumulative) – 608 001 251 EUR and growth of 38%;
Amount of loans listed on primary market (cumulative) – iuvo has reached the 1 000 000 000 EUR milestone, as the total amount has reached 1 000 664 264 EUR and growth of nearly 23%;
Count of loans listed on primary market (cumulative) – 2 612 556 and growth of 14%;
Total number of investors on the platform – 52 065 and growth of 23%;
Paid interest in 2024 – 4 896 849 EUR and growth of over 53% compared to last year. 2024 is the year with the highest amount of paid interest to investors and it is almost double the amount of paid interest in 2023 and 2022 combined;
Paid bonuses in 2024 – 111 351 EUR and growth of 32%;
Total wallet in iuvo (added funds minus withdrawals) – growth of 53% compared to the amount at the end of 2023.

In 2024, iuvo broke its own records from the previous year. The three months with highest amount of newly added funds in the history of iuvo are April, August and November 2024. The three months with highest amount of newly added net (new funds minus withdrawal in the month) funds in the history of iuvo are April, July and August 2024.
The three months with highest number of new investors in the history of iuvo are August, April and July 2024, and by highest amount of added funds by new investors – April and August 2024.


The iuvoSAVE mobile app

Our long-planned project for the iuvoSAVE mobile app became a reality in 2024! IuvoSAVE is an easy-to-use alternative for your money, which helps you generate attractive passive income, and now, with just a few clicks, it can happen directly from the convenience of your phone.

The iuvoSAVE products are available in EUR and BGN and offer fixed interest and fixed period, in order for you to know the exact amount you will receive and exactly when you will receive it. Clear terms for your better financial planning.

You can add more funds anytime you want without changing the maturity date, and you can withdraw early if you need quick access to your money.

Your possibilities with iuvoSAVE are:

  • 5% annual return and 3 months period;
  • 6% annual return and 6 months period;
  • 7% annual return and 12 months period.

In 2024, some of the main reasons for the record-breaking success of iuvo are the iuvoSAVE app, iuvoSAVE raffles with money prizes, and the campaigns for promo products of iuvosAVE with higher interest – 8% annual return with 12 months period and 8.5% annual return with 18 months interest. Thanks to that, iuvoSAVE now takes 29% of iuvo’s wallet. In 2024, the funds added to iuvoSAVE have grown with 119% compared to 2023, and in the last two years (2024 and 2023) the funds have grown with 714%.


New originators

Three new originators became part of iuvo’s family in 2024. Mi Prestamo from Spain, Kredis from Croatia, which is a new country for iuvo’s market, and Easy Business – this is funding provided by Easy Credit to other companies in the group. All three originators are part of MFG, which means, that group guarantee is applied for all three of them.

Just like the new originators, the already existing ones are striving to offer you even better terms for investing, which led to 2024 being a year full of promo campaigns for higher annual interest. This significantly affected the amount of paid interest in 2024, making it the year with the highest amount of paid interest to investors.

In the very first days of 2025, we started a partnership with another new originator – Swiss Funds from Czech Republic. Another new country for iuvo’s market.


What to expect from iuvo in 2025?

In 2025, we will continue to improve the iuvoSAVE mobile app and to provide you with opportunities for additional profit. The work on expanding our loan marketplace will continue by starting partnership with more new loan originators, including ones from new countries for iuvo. Iuvo also continues to work on its project for refreshing the website’s look and improving some of its functionalities. More convenient money transfer methods are another thing that we will continue working on.


We are thankful to everyone who chose iuvo for their money in 2024! We are really happy that iuvo continues to be one of the most recognizable P2P marketplace platforms in Europe for over 8 years now.

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