
New originator: Swiss Funds from Czech Republic

One of iuvo’s main goals regarding the future growth of the platform is to start partnerships with new loan originators and to offer new possibilities for diversification.

We present to you Swiss Funds – the first originator from Czech Republic on iuvo!

Swiss Funds starts operations in 2022 and it is part of Orka Group Services a.s., with over 11 years of experience in the lending business in Czech Republic and Iceland.

Swiss Funds offer iuvo’s investors with:

  • 10% annual interest with loans in EUR;
  • 15 and 30 day maturity;
  • One-time payment at the end of the period;
  • Score class D borrowers;
  • 60-day buyback on principal;
  • Co-debt by Orka Group Services and the UBO.

Swiss Funds is a non-bank financial institution, which provides its clients with short-term personal loans with one-time payment. The process of issuing the loans is entirely digital and based on plenty of automations, including bigdata-driven innovative approach to risk management by aggregating data from several sources to score the risk of the borrower.
Strong competitive advantage of Swiss Funds is their quickness – up to 60 seconds are needed from login in their mobile app to getting cash.

Add Swiss Funds to your Auto Invest portfolio filters if their loans match your criteria.

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