
BBG: Info about realization of the assets

As we already informed you, iuvo won the lawsuit against BBG for non-fulfillment of contractual obligations by Decision of the Estonian court, according to which our claims have to be satisfied with the movable assets /MOVH/ of the Georgian originator.

Currently, the efforts are focused in the necessary recognition and admission to execution of the Decision by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Georgia, since the Estonian court is a foreign jurisdiction for Georgia. Major factor in finalizing this process is again the proper service of documents to a BBG representative, and the attempts in this direction continue.

After the successful finalizing of the aforementioned process, we will be able to move to realizing the movable assets of BBG.

Iuvo continues to protect and take care of the interests of the investors, and we will publish again when there is new development in the lawsuit.

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