
What is Buy-back guarantee and how to control your investment risk

When you choose a peer-to-peer lending platform where you want to invest, you should take into account two major factors – the return on investment and the undertaken risk for the invested capital. As we know, there is no investment without risk. Nevertheless, you can control your risk exposure with our buy-back guarantee. At the moment all loans listed on the platform are in the scope of this protection scheme.

Every loan you invest on the iuvo platform is listed by registered non-banking financial institution (originator) which the primary business function is credit lending.  It guarantees that every loan listed on the platforms was taken through a strict due diligence procedure reducing the risk of default to a minimum level. In the unlikely event of default, your investment risk is taken care of by our 100% buy-back guarantee. It means that the originator of the loan is obliged to pay back the invested sum to you. That way your net capital is fully protected by iuvo.

Buy-back guarantee is not the only way to manage your risk and take it to zero levels. You should create a rich portfolio of investments, allocating your capital between many loans. Differentiating the portfolio helps you to minimize the risk and even if one of the loan defaults, you will still generate profit from your other investments. Every loan on the iuvo platform has a credit rating indicating the default possibility. This way you can always take an informed decision when you invest your capital.

The combination of those two risk management tools minimizes the investment risk. You can check our originators and the loans they offer so you can start investing and generate high returns.

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