
Up to 2% higher interest with loans of Easy Credit, Viva Credit and iCredit

After the success of the promo campaign of Easy Credit, Viva Credit and iCredit, the originators decided to extend it and to make it even more attractive!

Now, in the period 12.01.2024-31.01.2024, the new loans of Easy Credit, Viva Credit and iCredit will have up to 2% higher interest than the standard rates for the originators!

By score class, the difference from the standard rates will be, as follows:
A class + 2% more = up to 8% interest;
B class + 2% more = up to 8.48% interest;
C class + 2% more = up to 9% interest;
D class + 2% more = up to 9.3% interest;
E class + 1% more = up to 11.22% interest;
HR class + 1% more = up to 13.44% interest.

Take advantage of the opportunities to increase your profit with iuvo and invest now!

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