
New originator: Mi Prestamo, part of MFG

We already presented you some of the many pleasant surprises we have planned for you in 2024, others, among which are some interesting new partnerships, we are yet to present to you.

The new originator on iuvo is called Mi Prestamo and it is part of Management Financial Group (MFG). The company operates in Spain, on a regulated market.

What benefits Mi Prestamo offers to the investors on iuvo?

  • 9.5% interest – promo for the new start;
  • 3 months period of the loans;
  • Monthly installments;
  • Score class А borrowers;
  • 30-day buyback on principal and interest – promo for the new start;
  • Co-debt by Easy Credit due to Mi Prestamo being a young company;
  • Group guarantee by MFG.


Mi Prestamo starts with business loans on our market, and later they will continue by listing personal loans, which is where they are specialized. Their customers can apply for a loan online 24/7 in a fast and easy way for financing between €300 and €2000. Mi Prestamo gives their customers the opportunity to choose the period of the loans and the frequency of installment repayment by themselves.

Make sure that your Auto Invest settings allow you to invest in Mi Prestamo loans if they match your needs as an investor. Check your filters for originator and country.

Make your money work for you with iuvo and Mi Prestamo. It’s easy.

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