Getting accurate, clear and up-to-date information about our originators, primary and secondary market is very important. Each decision you make as an investor needs to be a well-informed one in order to get the best out of the platform.
In November four originators presented their good results as of Q3 2021:
- Access Finance with brute profit on the amount of €4.242M as of Q3`21;
- Ibancar reached their break-even point in the period July-September 2021;
- iCredit Poland with high growth in realized revenues for Q3 2021;
- Kviku realized net profit on the amount of €6М as of Q3 2021.
See the transaction on primary and secondary market for the past month:
You can download the file HERE.
In the “Monthly portfolio” section in our blog, you can find detailed presentations about the previous months on iuvo.