Monthly portfolio

Monthly portfolio – March

Data is the best friend of every investor. We gathered the most important that happened on iuvo in the past month and we share it with you.

The listed loans in euro on Primary market have increased with 24% and their share is now nearly 80%. Transactions on Secondary market reached 32 223 – 31.98% more in comparison with February. 71.92% of the loans on Secondary market are being sold with a discount with an average of -3.82%.

The unique investors on the Secondary market on iuvo have grown with almost 30%, reaching 533.

What are all the indicators on Primary and Secondary market in March? Find out now by taking a look at the data we provided for you. Please remember that the analyzes are available in the “Monthly portfolio” section on our website and you can reach them at any time. Our team is here for you and wishes you happy investing with iuvo!


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