Transparent communication with originators and daily monitoring of their financial performance are top priorities for iuvo team. This helps us gather and share with you the most important information about business positions of companies, and help you make the best decisions for your investments at iuvo.
Today, Kviku shares with you not only details about their performance as of Q3 2021, but also exclusive news for receiving an independent credit rating of BB in relation to the forthcoming bond issue by the Moscow Stock Exchange.
You can see the company’s financial statements HERE and read the official statement by the management HERE
The main highlights of the information provided by Kvikvu are:
Net portfolio of 53 М EUR
14 M EUR newly approved loans in September 2021
Top-1 positions on the local online market in the Buy Now Pay Later sector (BNPL);
Be sure to check out Kviku’s reports for the past period and create your portfolio now. Make informed investment decisions and remember that our team is there to help you develop your own strategy.
We at iuvo strive to be more useful to our clients by regularly providing information directly from our partners.