
Kredis: New originator on iuvo from Croatia

New originator on iuvo! Starting today, you can invest in loans of Kredis on our market. The company operates in Croatia since 2022.

Who stays behind Kredis?

Kredis is a joint venture founded in Croatia. 50% ownership of the Bulgarian company Management Financial Group (MFG) and 50% ownership of the Croatian company Financial Solutions Ltd.

What does Kredis offer to the investors on iuvo?

Kredis start with business loans on iuvo, and later they will continue with consumer loans, in which they are specialized. Benefits of the loans:

  • 9.5% interest – promo for the start;
  • 4 months period of the loans;
  • Monthly installments;
  • Score class A borrowers;
  • 30-day buyback on principal and interest – promo for the start;
  • Co-debt by Easy Credit and group guarantee by MFG on the entire debt.

More about Kredis

To their clients, Kredis offers consumer loans, secured with gold. With their innovative business model, Kredis competes with local banks and online non-bank financial institutions registered in other EU countries. The business activities of Kredis are conducted in partnership with the biggest local network of stores specialized in gold trading – Auro Domus.

At the moment Kredis has 57 store locations in the entire country, mostly in the Zagreb region, and the total amount of loans granted is over 7.5 M EUR.

Make sure that your Auto Invest settings allow you to invest in the loans of Kredis if they match your needs as an investor. Check your filters for originator and country.

Make your money work for you with iuvo and Kredis.

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