
Interview with Konstantin Stoychev, CEO of iCredit Poland

The proactive approach to our investors and our partners is one of the keys to our success. Each of our partnerships is based on trust and transparency. We always strive to get you familiar with the credit companies we work with, their business model and prospects for growth.

Take a look behind the curtains of iCredit Poland and read the interview with Konstantin Stoychev, CEO of the company:

1.Tell us more about the business model of your company.

iCredit is part of the holding Management Financial Group (MFG), which associates providers of non-bank financial services on 7 markets in Europe and in the USA. Our company has been operating on the Polish market since 2014 and currently provides financial services to consumers in 9 Polish provinces with 33 offices.

Our mission is to help clients in temporary financial difficulties by providing quick, responsible, cash loans. We want to become a  customer’s  first  choice  when seeking solutions to their financial demands. Our top priority is to build long-term relationships with our clients and employees to strengthen trust. We always strive to give an added value of our loans.

We are characterized by an individual approach to each client, responsibility in providing financial services, high moral and ethical standards to our customers.

This is why we can proudly say that our company values are:

Humanity, Innovation, Responsibility.

From March 22nd 2019 we are a member of The Association of Financial Companies in Poland (ZPF). This organization brings together over 100 recognized companies representing the financial market in Poland – banks, loan companies, debt collection companies, financial advisors and intermediaries. ZPF is a member of the prestigious European self-government organization EUROFINAS, associating seventeen national organizations representing over 1,200 financial institutions.

2.How and why did you decide to become an originator on iuvo?

It is one of the ways for us to obtain capital for development and investments. In addition, we believe that the presence on the iuvo platform increases our prestige and credibility in the eyes of business partners and is a good alternative for diversifying our sources of funding.

3.What do you think makes iuvo different from the other companies on the market? What are our main advantages?

We are delighted to work with the team of iuvo professionals. We believe that such team, full of passion and visionary thinking is the main advantage. Our cooperation is smooth and clear, which in our opinion is reflected in a very good result. The team is always here for us to help.

4.How would you compare your time on iuvo with the traditional investing instruments?

iuvo provides high flexibility in obtaining funds exactly when you need it. Iuvo funds helped us to jump in top 4 of the biggest companies in the home collection model, on one of the most competitive markets in Europe.

5.How would you describe your entire experience with the platform in 3 words?

Reliability, support, engagement.

6.What would you advise people that are thinking of investing in P2P loans?

First, get to know the way the platform works, take time to acquire at least general knowledge about investing in P2P loans.

Cool calculation and the elimination of the influence of emotions on decisions to buy and sell are some of the most important features.

I personally became an investor on iuvo around 2 months after it was officially launched, and what I regret is that I didn’t start earlier.

7.What do you think we need to improve in our work?

Always follow the actions of the competition and react in time to offer the most competitive services.

8.What do you think an investor on iuvo is like?

A person with visionary thinking, who is not afraid of going out into the world of new technologies.

A person, who is willing to take risks to achieve success.

9.Can you make a prognosis for the future of P2P and the fintech industry?

Currently, customers are positive about innovations and the benefits of digital financial services, which results in a regular increase in the number of entities on the market, offering more and more interesting digital financial solutions. Due to the growing interest, I’m highly convinced the fintech industry will continue its growth and offer more and more competitive services.

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