
Ibancar with capital investments of 1.5 million euro by the end of 2020

Good news from our Spanish partners – Ibancar! In search of an optimal strategy for business development and international expansion, the originator successfully finalized negotiations for capital investments in the company on the amount of 1 750 000 euro in July.

Today we share with you an official statement from Ibancar in our blog, where you will find:

–  Detailed information about the deal – transactions, target spending, and balance reflection.

–  In which regions the company is planning international expansion?

–  Transparency or why was their platform “Ibancar transparency” created?

–  How is COVID affecting the business and its risk management strategies?

–  Vision for the development of the company in short-term and mid-term plan.

You can read the full statement HERE.

Find out about the future plans for development of our Spanish originator and keep investing with iuvo and Ibancar.

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