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15% annual interest from Easy Credit and Viva Credit, until 09.03.2025

In 2025, we continue to provide you with attractive opportunities for higher profit.

What awaits is 15% annual interest with the loans of Easy Credit and Viva Credit, which the originators will list on iuvo’s market in the period of 06.02-09.03.2025.

Easy Credit and Viva Credit list loans on our market with every score class of borrowers – A, B, C, D, E, HR. The promo offer for 15% interest is valid for their loans in score class HR.

The two companies are the longest-standing partners of iuvo. They are originators since 2016. They are leaders in the non-bank consumer lending sector in Bulgaria, and are part of Management Financial Group (MFG), just like iuvo is. Easy Credit ended 2023 with BGN 20M (EUR 10.2M) net profit, and Viva Credit – BGN 2.5M (EUR 1.27M).

Invest now and increase your return.

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